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CARNAGE Expect Nothing Less
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 Hello Guild

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Number of posts : 10
Age : 53
Location : Jacksonville, North Carolina
Registration date : 2008-08-25

Hello Guild Empty
PostSubject: Hello Guild   Hello Guild I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 08, 2008 7:27 pm

Well I don't know if anyone has noticed "lol! probably not" but I haven't been on lately due to my promotion at work and also due to my training with the Army Recruiter, which I will be leaving for boot camp in Jan 2009. I'm making some big changes in my life right now and I want you all to know that is part of the reason for not being on so much..I will be going on vacation this week for a few days and I will be playing most of my time..I know with the changes that are going on in my life right now specially with the Army, I wont be able to play as much as I use to and it is really understanding if you all decide to kick me from the guild.. But no matter what I will always have CARNAGE in the heart..I have myspace and for those who like to keep in touch with me, here is My URL: http://www.myspace.com/_reneea I'm always on myspace even when I'm at work.... Laughing

But anyways, I just thought I would let everyone know the reason why I haven't been on much..See everyone in the game when I go on Vacation this week......YAY cheers
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Number of posts : 39
Age : 40
Location : Texas
Registration date : 2008-08-28

Hello Guild Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello Guild   Hello Guild I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 09, 2008 5:02 am

i noticed Sad glad you're doing something productive Very Happy I miss you! You're on my fl so give me a shout when you're able to play.
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