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 Some official word on the situation with recalls

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Some official word on the situation with recalls Empty
PostSubject: Some official word on the situation with recalls   Some official word on the situation with recalls I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 3:42 pm

Something of interest in regards to the current state of recalls (copy pasted from Aeria forums

Aeria: Product Manager

03 Nov 2006
South Pole United States


PostedTue Nov 25, 2008 6:37 pm
Party Recall Cards
Hi Folks,
Let me see if I can shed some light on this for you.
The Dev team is currently trying to fix the recall cards so they can't be abused by power-levelers.
In this process they demanded that we remove them from the item mall until they were fixed. After much negotiating the dev team reluctantly agreed that we could keep a limited amount ingame while they worked on the fix.
We had to raise the prices so that a single player would not be able to hoard all of the ones that are available and artificially drive up gold prices.
We know this will not be easy on our players and we hope you will bear with us while we get them fixed.
But for now we have to track every single recall card that is sold and we can only keep track of so many.


- So in other words, there is more to come on the whole recall situation, and hopefully a reason for me to buy AP again (ie. 499 1 month recall)

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Some official word on the situation with recalls
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